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What tools to use for inktober ?

Bonjour !

I have already decided what tools to use for Inktober ! There is often a big discussion on the internet when comes the time of Inktober, can I ink digitally ? Do I have to only use inks ? Can I use this or this tool ?

The answer is yes ! Of course you can !

For me the purpose of this challenge is to improve yourself. Yes at first it was about learning how to ink. But I think these days it is more about improving your art.

I think Jake Parker, the creator of the challenge tells it too, it’s all about learning to use your tools better and becoming better artists. So just do it with what you want to be better at !

For my part I like to use traditional tools during Inktober. In my previous years I always used traditional medias. Of course I do love paper more than anything. I love the computer as well but it’s not the same feeling and I will always go toward traditional tools first. It is something that has been true for the last few years.

inktober pen tool
There is so many pen types available to you.

Traditional media is my thing !

So what tools am I going to use for Inktober ?

I recently put back into order a set of Rotring pen and old Faber castell pens that my dad owned. My dad did a lot of technical drawing when he was younger and had a huge set of the famous rotring along with a few other brands. Rotrings are pens that are made for a lifetime.

These pens are obviously very good quality and even if it was not so easy to clean them up they are truely the best tools to do Inktober !

Before that I used Copic Multiliner, they are very very good cheaper counterparts to the Rotring. What I love about the Multiliners is that you can easily change any used parts of it to a new one. On the other hand, now that I have tried the Rotring, I feel sad at amount of disposable part that the copic make. Wouldn’t it be much better to have pen for life and not create more garbage ? I always wonder.

Another tool I want to train myself in using is a paintbrush. I still feel very stiff and not in control with a brush pen. About that I will show you in a next article how to get a better control of you pens, brush and any tools that you might want to use for Inktober. A little warming up if you like !

My choice of pen and brush for Inktober.

So my tools are for this Inktober :

  • A small Winsor and Newton series 1 brush
  • Rotring pens of varying size
  • Indian ink
  • watercolor
  • Canson Montval 300gr

The watercolor I will use my own watercolor, if you’ve read the article linked here, you know I make my own colors. I wish to use one or two for Inktober. I don’t want to add much color and stay to the black and white in general but I am not against a little dash of color.

home made watercolor, red lake, yellow ocre, medium yellow, cobalt turquoise

What will be your tooks for this year’s Inktober’s challenge ?

I am very curious about it 🙂

Thanks a lot for reading me! Have you noticed ? I’m getting serious about this blogging thing, it feels great !

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